Quilt Block: The Magic Quilt Block Tutorial


When the Magic Quilt Block is made from a light and a dark fabric, it gives the illusion of being 3D. I really like the effect and it is so quick and easy to make. You will have a quilt done in no time at all.

Watch the video below or scroll down for the step-by-step written instructions

What Size is the Magic Quilt Block:

  • The quilt block we have created measures 14″ unfinished.

What You Need

From the dark fabric. cut:

  • 1 – 10″ square
  • 2 – 10″x 2½” strips
  • 2 – 14″x 2½” strips – dark

From the light fabric, cut:

  • 1 –  10″ square
  • 2  – 10″x 2½” strips
  • 2 –  14″x 2½” strips

You can also use a layer cake and jelly roll strips.  However, you won’t get quite the same effect as layer cakes are generally patterned and different colours.  But it will still look totally awesome.


  • Take the 10″ square of dark fabric and the 2 10″ strips of light fabric.
  • Sew on strip to each side of the dark square with  a ¼” seam.


  • Press the seams towards the outside edge.


  • Take the 14″ light strips and lay them right sides together.
  • Sew them to the edges with a ¼” seam .


  • Press the seams towards the outside edge.


  • Take the light square and add the dark strips to the edges in the same manner as you have added the light strips to the dark square.


  • Take one block and on the wrong side, draw a line from one corner to the other.


  • Place the two blocks one on top of the other, right sides together. Make sure the edges all line up.
  • Have the block with the line drawn on it, on the top.


  • Sew a seam line ¼”  on either side of the line you just drew.


  • Lift the top block to check that your points meet nicely.


  • Cut along the drawn line, in between the two seam lines.


  • Press the centre line open.


  • You now have two blocks already made. How quick and easy it this!
