Readers Project: Lorna’s Easy Envelope Cushion Cover
Note from Alanda Craft:– Lorna’s cushion cover is just spectacular. What a great idea to turn our Easy Envelope Cushion Cover tutorial into such a beautiful project. I truly admire anyone who does cross stitch. I have started a number of pieces over the years but have only had the patience to finish a few of them. You have done an excellent job Lorna and you have created a piece that you can be so proud of. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful cushion cover with us.
Lorna Says:
I took part in a round robin cross stitch group and I wanted to do something a bit more special with the piece other than framing it. Being fairly new to sewing (I last used a sewing machine in school) I searched YouTube for tutorials and fell upon this one. It was easy to follow and had just the finish I was looking for. I used material that my mum gave to me so I’m unsure as to the make but I picked colours to match some of the flowers.