Layer Cake Quilt for My Grandaughter Ishta

My grandaughter Ishta and her husband Evan both turned 30 this year. Their birthdays are within a few days of each other. So I decided to make them a quilt for their birthdays.

I wanted this quilt to be a little wider than the size I usually make so I added 4 borders. I didn’t have a full layer cake pack so I took squares from a couple of different packs and also cut some of my own fabric stash into 10″ squares to add to the mix, and I was really happy with how it turned out.

  • This ended up being quite a large quilt 90″ x 110″. Thank goodness Chris has a large quilting machine.

You can see the borders and the beautiful quilting detail in the photo below.

These are the finished sizes for the borders:

  • Border 1 – 2″
  • Border 2 – 4″
  • border 3 – 6″
  • Border 4 -5″

  • I used the dark grey for the binding as well as the last border.
  • I think the cream-colored backing suits this quilt.

The quilt was quilted by Chris from ‘Sew ‘n’ Sew Sisters‘ here in Australia. I highly recommend Chris, her quilting is beautiful and really showcases even a simple layer cake quilt like this one.