Today’s Shopping Expedition for Craft Supplies

distress-paints We started out the morning full of enthusiasm to create another tutorial but it didn’t take long to change direction, especially after we decided that we were in dire need of some more distressed paint.

Plus it was too nice a day to spend indoors, well our indoors, so much better to be indoors in a craft supply shop.

Our first stop was at ‘Wrapped in Paper‘, our local scrapbooking store . These ladies have all sorts of wonderful scrapbooking papers, stamps and of course distressed ink and distressed paint. We were determined to just buy the paint, but of course we couldn’t stop at that.

We are also in the process of creating image packs for the site, so we needed to find some pre-1930’s books for that, it was off the second hand book stores.  We were very lucky and found a great medical book with lots of gruesome pictures – well youOld-Books know what medical pictures are like – lots of skeletons, brains and other internal organs, and a book of  poetry with awesome turn of the century handwriting.

Of course lunch was in order so we stopped off at a cafe that make the most amazing gourmet pies which we washed down with a can of Dr Pepper. So love Dr Pepper but do not make it a habit to drink soda of any sort on a regular basis, so this was a real treat.

Also got some xmas shopping done, huge relief.