How to Cut 10″ Layer Cake Squares From Your Yardage

how-to-cut-layer-cake-squares, tutorial, quilting, sewing, craft, In this tutorial, we show you how to cut your own 10″ Layer Cake squares for your quilting projects.

(Note that this tutorial is how to cut from yardage however if you would like to know how to cut layer cake squares from meters, then click here for that.)

We love pre-cuts! They save time and you don’t have to worry about coordinating fabrics, as it is all done for you. However, they can be expensive, and there are those times when you just can’t find the exact fabric you want for a particular project. This is where cutting your own layer cake squares comes into play and it’s pretty easy to do.

Watch the video tutorial below or scroll down for the written instructions

Tools used in this tutorial

How many 10″ squares can you cut from your fabric?

Most fabric is 40″- 44″ in width.  This is the number of squares that can be cut from the following:

  • ½ yard of fabric will yield 4 squares
  • 1 yard of fabric will yield 12 squares
  • 1¼ yards of fabric will yield 16 squares
  • 2 yards of fabric will yield 28 squares

Let’s start cutting…

Note: In the step-by-step below we are using a piece of fabric that measures approx 22″ which yields 8 squares.

  • The first step is to straighten one edge of the fabric, so lay the fabric on the table with the folded end facing towards you and the selvage end facing away.
  • Line up one of the lines on your ruler along the folded edge.

  • Trim the edge to straighten it.

how-to-cut-layer-cake-squares, tutorial, quilting, sewing, craft,

  • Now we need to trim off the selvage ends, so turn your fabric so that the selvages are on your right-hand side. (assuming you are right-handed)
  • If you are left-handed turn the fabric so that it is in the position that is most comfortable for you to cut.

how-to-cut-layer-cake-squares, tutorial, quilting, sewing, craft,

  • Once you have trimmed off the selvages, turn the fabric around so that the folded side is facing towards you.
  • Line up the fabric along the zero line on the mat.
  • Place your ruler on the 10″ line.
  • Make sure that one of the lines on your ruler is lined up along the folded edge.
  • Slice through with your rotary cutter.

how-to-cut-layer-cake-squares, tutorial, quilting, sewing, craft,

  • Move the piece you have just cut aside.

  • Move the ruler to the 20″ mark and cut the next 10″ square.
  • You now have two strips that are 10″ in width.

how-to-cut-layer-cake-squares, tutorial, quilting, sewing, craft,

  • Turn the strips around so that 10″ width is facing you and you are now ready to cut the long strips into 10″ squares.

how-to-cut-layer-cake-squares, tutorial, quilting, sewing, craft,

  • Place the ruler on the 10″ line on your mat and cut.
  • You now have four 10″ squares.

how-to-cut-layer-cake-squares, tutorial, quilting, sewing, craft,

  • Move the ruler to the 20″ mark and cut.
  • You now have eight 10″ squares.

how-to-cut-layer-cake-squares, tutorial, quilting, sewing, craft,

And there you have it that’s how to cut your own 10″ layer cake squares from your yardage.