Readers Project: Margie’s Jelly Roll Race Quilt From Scraps

Note from Alanda Craft:  Margie’s jelly roll race quilts are made from scraps in her stash. And don’t they look great. This is such an easy way to use up your scrap stash. That was one sizeable stash that Margie had, she managed to make a king sized quilt, a queen sized quilt and a full sized quilt – wow.  Your quilts are just lovely Margie, thank you for sharing your photos with us. I am sure you have inspired others to get stuck in and clear up their fabric stash.  You can follow our video below or go to the written instructions on how to make your own Jelly Roll Race Quilt variation.

Margie Says:
One day I realized I had so much scrap fabric. The thought to just getting rid of it did not sit well. Never ! So I decided to find a pattern that was quick and easy and would use up most of my scraps..

I found the jellyroll Race, quilt pattern. It looked like it was fun, easy and Quick……hence…race! I decided to start cutting 2.5 inch strips from my scraps. When I got done cutting I was amazed at my pile.

I then decided to separate the colors into colors for male quilt, and colors for a female quilt. I then sewed each pile of strips end to end.. The jellyroll race pattern was one of the fastest quilts I think I’ve ever made.

From my piles of 2.5 inch strips, I was able to make a king size quilt top, a queen size and a full size. YES! I had that much scraps of fabrics. BUT I did use it all up.

I look at the quilts now and I remember the quilts I made using those fabrics pieces. Not only is it my jellyroll race quilts but also my memory quilts. ? Two quilts in one ? The one with green border I love. I will give that one to my son. The female colors quilt, I did add a greenish border and back and it made all the fabric colors pop. I have it on my bed at this moment. It’s a fun quilt.

Watch the Video below to see how to make your own Jelly Roll

Click here for the written instructions