Easiest Quilt Ever – Let’s Get Quilting with the Adorable Ayla

My granddaughter Ayla is visiting from Sunny Queensland for a bit of  ‘R ‘n’ R.  She just needs some time to chill out. and relax. While she is here, she has decided she would like to learn how to quilt.

The first thing we made was the zippered pouch using some fabric from my scrap stash. I love having a scrap stash,  it certainly comes in handy for little projects like these zippered pouches.

zippered pouch, quilting, craft, sewing

Okay,  that was too easy, so now she has been smitten by the quilting bug and wants to move on to something a little more challenging.  One of her friends has 1-year-old twin girls, so Ayla decides to make a quilt. She is only going to make one to start with to see how it goes.

So we headed off to Spotlight where she picked up some adorable fabric. We thought it would be best to start with the Easiest Quilt Ever‘ pattern.

Watch the video tutorial below

Ayla was amazed at just how easy it was to bring all together and it only took about 3 hours to complete. This meant that we needed to do another run to Spotlight to pick up some more material so that she can make another quilt. After all, you can’t give to one twin without giving to the other.

She has done a great job and even handled the ditch stitching like a pro. There’s no stopping this girl now, she has joined the ranks of people who quilt, and she is having so much fun.

 Ayla in charge

Easiest Quilt #1

  • The owls are so cute. My photography wasn’t the best and it looks like the stripes are running off but they are all the same size.
  • We cut each strip 5″ wide.
  • The overall quilt measures 49″ x 42″ once we had trimmed the excess fabric off and cut off the selvages.

Easiest Quilt #1 – Back

  • You can see the stitching on the back.
  • Ayla ditch stitched the quilt layers together and she did an excellent job.

Easiest Quilt #2

She decided to use the excess fabric from the backing on the first quilt.

  • So we cut 2  5″ strips and only one of the owls this time. This is so the girls will know which is their quilt.
  • The strips are actually straight even though they look wonky in the photo.

quilting, sewing,craft

Easiest Quilt #2 – Back

  • The back on this quilt is a pretty floral design featuring sunflowers.

quilting,craft, sewing

So why not head over to our tutorial on how to make the Easiest Quilt Ever, Beginners Quilt, and run up a quilt in your favorite colors.