10 Fabric Jelly Roll Projects

fabric jelly roll projects

10 Fabric Jelly Roll Projects to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

I love jelly rolls – both the food and the fabric varieties, but in this case I’m referring to the fabric version. Jelly rolls were created by a company called Moda. Other companies create them too, but you will find that they won’t call them jelly rolls since that name belongs to Moda.

Either way, jelly rolls are simply strips of pre-cut 2½” x 42″ bits of fabric and you usually get around 40 strips in the pack. Pre-cut means that you don’t have to sit there slicing up all of those strips although of course you can if you want to. Plus you don’t have to worry about matching colours as it is all colour co-ordinated for you.

So if you have a jelly roll pack in your hot little hand, take a look at our tutorials below for a list of fabric jelly roll projects to get you started.

1. Jelly Roll Race Quilt

This is by far the most fun quilt you will ever make. It is super easy too, so even if you are a relatively new beginner to making quilts, you should be able to handle this one.

jellyroll-quilt, jelly roll race quilt, quilting, sewing, craft

2. Jelly Roll Scrappy Quilt

This is a variation on the jelly roll race quilt listed above. This time you use all of those jelly roll off-cuts to make it and it also creates a slightly different look.

Jelly Roll Scrap Quilt

3. Jelly Roll Placemat Tutorial

This is a great way of using up those extra jelly roll strips you might have laying around. It’s a relatively easy fabric jelly roll project but does require a binding so a confident beginner might be better suited to this one.

Placemat tutorial using jelly rolls - easy sewing project[asa2_collection tpl=”Carousel” button_color=”#ff9900″ show_price=”no” show_savings=”no” title_length=”60″]8[/asa2_collection]

4. Easy Jelly Roll Scarf Tutorial

Super fun and fast to make. A great sewing project for a beginner. These make great gifts.

5. Easy Jelly Roll Oven Mitt Tutorial

You only need 8 jelly roll strips to make these oven mitts.

6. Rail Fence Quilt Tutorial Using Jelly Roll Strips

This is one of my favourite ways to use a jelly roll. It uses one jelly roll and is very simple to make. It results in an awesome looking quilt.

7. Checkerboard Tote Bag Tutorial

This one looks like it might be a lot of work sewing all those squares together. However, with some jelly roll strips using the bargello method it is super simple.

8. The 20 Minute Halloween Table Runner Using Jelly Roll Strips

This one doesn’t have to be made with Halloween colours, so you can make this for any occasion.

9. String Quilt Tutorial

Although this is technically not made with jelly roll strips, it definitely can be. These are my favourite quilts to make by far and a great way to use up all your strip scraps.

10. Jelly Roll Strip Cushion Cover

This is easier than it looks. Made from sewing 2½” strips together, it is quite quick to make. A great way to use up your left over jelly roll strips.

jelly roll cushion cover tutorial