How to Attach a Walking Foot to a Singer Confidence Quilting Machine

I recently purchased a Singer Confidence Quilting machine and was stumped when it came to attaching the walking foot (Even Feed Foot). It has some odd-looking arm attached to it and although I had some idea of how it went on, I really had to go online to make sure I was doing the right thing.

Even the video instruction disk that came with the machine wasn’t terribly helpful because it showed a completely different foot.

Once I figured it out, I thought that there might be a lot of people in the same boat, so we did up a quick video on how to attach the foot.

Watch the video below to see how to attach the walking foot to your Singer Confidence Quilting Machine


Reader Interactions


  1. Christina Schaplowsky says

    Hi my husband just bought me this exact sewing machine however I can’t figure out how to get the embroidery foot on.. Frustrated beyond belief.. Would it be possible to maybe take a couple of pictures on how it should be sitting at the end? Thanking you in advance

    • Alanda says

      We’ve just created a video on how to attach the embroidery foot. I’m not sure if you have the same foot though as from what I can tell they changed it. However, I am hoping the same process applies. You can view the video here:

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