Readers Project: Barbara’s Rail Fence Quilt

Note from Alanda Craft: Barbara has completed some more awesome quilts. She is churning them out like there is no tomorrow. I love how your confidence has grown since you first started out Barbara. I was going to put them all up together but I think each needs to be given its moment. This is Barbara’s rail fence quilt.  You  sure do have a real knack for choosing colours.

Barbara Says::
This one is for a friend from high school.  She likes bright colors.

NOTE: If you can’t find the Meadowbloom Jelly Roll by Moda, there are lots of other lovely jelly rolls available at Amazon.



Barbara’s Rail-Fence Quilt under construction

  • Sewing the Jelly Roll Strips together.

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  • Getting a little help from her friend.

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  • Trimming the strips.

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  • Cutting the Strips into squaresrail-fence-quilt, readers-project,,quilting,craft,sewing  rail-fence-quilt, readers-project,,quilting,craft,sewing
  • Sorting the blocks.

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  • Constructing the Quilt blocks into a rail-fence design.
Rail Fence Quilt with the borders added:
I finished it this morning and took it to the shop.  It ended up being a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Maybe I should have skipped the borders but to me, they really finish the look.


  • And here is the completed quilt. I think the combination of the quilting,  the backing and the binding makes this quilt pop.

Watch the video below on How to Make a Rail Fence Quilt

Click the links below to see more of Barbara’s lovely quilts:



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