How to make Lavender Sachets using 2 Layer Cake Squares

lavender sachet from layer cake squaresI love the scent of lavender, vanilla and roses in my home and as my old lavender sachets had definitely seen better days, I thought it was about time to make some new ones.

Watch the video tutorial below

After some deliberation, Paula and I decided to make use of some of the layer cake squares that we had in our fabric stash. They turned out to be just the right size for what we had in mind.

  • So by just using 2 layer cake squares (or 2 x 10″ squares of fabric), you can make 4 square or triangle sachets or 8 small triangle shapes.
  • The small triangles are ideal for popping into smelly shoes and sneakers. or for popping in the linen cupboard.

This project is so easy its ridiculous.

In our sachets, we added the following ingredients:-

  • dried lavender and vanilla
  • dried rose petals with some rose essential oil added
  • 50-50 arrowroot and baking soda with essential oil added – use your favorite oil


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Reader Interactions


  1. Tiffany says

    The videos or written tutorial is missing! I was very excited to try this but there is no video OR written tutorial! ☹️

    • Alanda Craft says

      You may have an ad blocker Tiffany that stops the video from showing. Here is a link to the video I hadn’t realised that I haven’t added full written instructions to this as yet. Will put it on the todo list. Thank you for letting me know.

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